Estate and Succession Planning Guides

Browsing 1 - 19 of 19 Client Guides.
Business Lasting Power of Attorney (BLPA)
How can I preserve my business assets for my family?
How do I protect my home and assets from care costs?
Local Authorities and clients in Long Term Care: How can we help?
Paying for Care

Paying for Care

Living in a care home can be very expensive and the costs involved in moving into a care home can literally wipe our your entire savings and your home may have to be sold to pay for Care fees.

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Why should I make a Lasting Power of Attorney for Health & Welfare?
What if I am unable to manage my affairs?
The Benefits of Trusts and the use of Loans
Why should I use a Professional Trustee?
The Importance of Trustee meetings
Can Trusts eliminate the Tax I pay?

Can Trusts eliminate the Tax I pay?

Trusts were initially created for the nobility and wealthy landowners to avoid paying taxes to the Crown. There have been many changes to Trusts and their uses and equally to the Inland Revenue Rules which affect them.

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What is the role of an Executor?

What is the role of an Executor?

You should choose an Executor to carry out your wishes, as stated in the Will. Executors can be Beneficiaries under the Will and often people appoint their spouse, partner or children as Executors.

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Your Will

Your Will

In the UK, every individual is allowed to leave their estate to whomever they want on their death. This is achieved by preparing a Will.

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Why should I store my Will in a Secure Storage Facility?
Why you need a Will Clarity Statement

Why you need a Will Clarity Statement

Today's 'modern' lifestyle, increase in divorce rates, remarriage and cohabitation, and families living further apart leading to more complicated family structures, means the need to make a Will has never been greater.

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CTTC Ltd and the Society of Trusts and Estate Practitioners (STEP)
Guide to Estate Preservation

Guide to Estate Preservation

The Importance of Making Early Plans
Welcome to our Guide to Estate Preservation. Effective estate planning aims to ensure that the wealth you have accumulated during your lifetime is distributed to the right people, at the right time and as tax-efficiently as possible.

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Guide to Estate and Trust Planning code

Guide to Estate and Trust Planning code

Helping you plan for your future and your family's future
Welcome to our Guide to Estate and Trust Planning. This guide is designed to give you a basic understanding of Estate and Trust Planning and the issues you may face. We look at various ways you could reduce a potential Inheritance Tax liability in order to pass on as much wealth as possible.

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Summary of Autumn Statement 2022

Having looked around and contacted several professional organisations who would prepare my somewhat complicate will, I chose Panthera on a recommendation and sincerely believe I could not have found a better organisation.

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