Intelligent Estate Planning - protecting your hard earned assets

Your home, savings and business are all vulnerable to substantial loss or falling into the wrong hands after your death. Whether you want to secure a specific legacy with a children’s trust fund, or reduce inheritance tax for the next generation, Panthera Estate Planning is here to help.

Panthera’s expert succession and estate planning advice will help safeguard your hard-earned assets using simple but effective strategies. Effective estate planning ensures your wishes will be followed and inheritance flows down the bloodline as you want it to.

Our estate planning solutions are tailor-made to suit every set of personal circumstances and every pocket.

Call Us for personal, bespoke and independent advice on:
Wills & Trusts
Bloodline Planning & Keeping Assets in the Family
Powers of Attorney
Business Succession and Continuity
Funding Future Long Term Care

Latest Blog

Making changes: how a new government (and the football result) should influence your estate planning

Results are dominating the headlines, from the election to the football. We look at the important results of updating and reviewing your estate planning?

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Client Guides and Digital Magazines

Business Lasting Power of Attorney (BLPA)

A BLPA is a powerful legal document which allows a Business Owner (Donor) to appoint persons of their own choice (Attorneys), to look after their business affairs.

Download Business Lasting Power of Attorney (BLPA) Guide

I have no reservations about Panthera - they appear to be a forward thinking company making life for the client a pleasure to deal with. I would thoroughly recommend them to anyone who needs sound professional advice concerning Estate Planning.

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